O’Neal, E. E., Jiang, Y., Franzen, L. J., Rahimian, P., Yon, J. P., Kearney, J. K., & Plumert, J. M. (2018). Changes in perception–action tuning over long time scales: How children and adults perceive and act on dynamic affordances when crossing roads. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 44(1), 18-26. http://doi.org/10.1037/xhp0000378.


O’Neal, E.E.Jiang, Y., Franzen, L., Rahimian, P., Yon, J.P., Keraney, J.K., & Plumert, J.M. (under review). Adjusting gap decisions to fit crossing actions: How child and adult pedestrians cross roads in an immersive virtual environment.

O’Neal, E.E., Plumert, J.M., McClure, L.A., & Schwebel, D.C. (2016). The role of BMI in Child Pedestrian Injury Risk. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 90, 29 -35. 

O’Neal, E.E., Plumert, J. M., & Peterson, C. (2016). Parent-child injury prevention conversations following a trip to the emergency department. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 41, 256-264. 


Nikolas, M.A., Elmore, A.L., Franzen, L, O’Neal, E.E., Kearney, J.K., & Plumert, J.M. (2015). Risky bicycling behavior among youth with and without attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 57, 141-148.

Hilliard, C.A., O’Neal, E.E., Plumert, J.M., & Wagner-Cook, S. (2015). Mothers gesture for their children: Dynamic modulation of gesture during communication about safety. Cognition, 140, 89-94.


O'Neal, E., & Plumert, J. P. (2014). Mother-child conversations about safety: Implications for socializing safety values in children. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 39(3), 1-11.

O'Neal, E., Ramirez, M., Hamann, C., Young, T., Peek-Asa, C., & Stahlhut, M. (2014). School bus crash rates on routine and non-routine routes. Journal of School Health, 84(9), 575-580.

Grechkin, T., Plumert, J. M., & Kearney, J. K. (2014). Dynamic affordances in embodied interactive systems: The role of display and mode of locomotion. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 20(4), 596-605.

Chihak, B. J., Grechkin, T. Y., Kearney, J. K., Cremer, J. F., & Plumert, J. M. (2014). How children and adults learn to intercept moving gaps. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 122, 134-152.

Plumert, J. P., & Kearney, J. K. (2014a). Linking decisions and actions in dynamic environments: How child and adult cyclists cross roads with traffic. Ecological Psychology, 26(1-2), 125-133 [special issue in honor of Herbert L. Pick, Jr.]. 

Plumert, J. M., & Kearney, J. K. (2014b). How do children perceive and act on dynamic affordances in crossing traffic-filled roads? Child Development Perspectives, 8, 207-212. doi: 10.1111/cdep.12089


Plumert, J. M. (2013). In memoriam: Herbert L. Pick, Jr. (1930-2012). Spatial Cognition & Computation, 13, 259-263.

Ziemer, C. J., Branson, M. J., Chihak, B. J., Kearney, J. K., Cremer, J.F., & Plumert, J. M. (2013). Manipulating perception versus action in recalibration tasks. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 75, 1260-1274.

Stevens, E., Plumert, J. M., Cremer, J. F., & Kearney, J. K. (2013). Preadolescent temperament and risky behavior: Bicycling across traffic-filled intersections in a virtual environmentJournal of Pediatric Psychology, 38, 285-295.​

Grechkin, T. Y., Chihak, B. J., Cremer, J. F., Kearney, J. K., & Plumert, J. M. (2013). Perceiving and acting on complex affordances: How children and adults bicycle across two lanes of opposing traffic. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Performance, 39, 23-36.


Plumert, J. M., Haggerty, K., Mickunas, A., Herzog, L., & Shadrick, C. (2012). Mother-child communication about location: Giving and following directions for finding hidden objects. Developmental Psychology, 48, 956-968.

Ziemer, C. J., Plumert, J. M., & Pick, A. D. (2012). To grasp or not to grasp: Infants' actions towards objects and pictures. Infancy, 17, 479-497.


Nguyen, T. D., Ziemer, C. J., Grechkin, T., Chihak, B., Plumert, J. M., Cremer J. F., & Kearney, J. K. (2011). Effects of scale change on distance perception in virtual environments. ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, 8(4), 1-18.

Babu, S., Grechkin, T., Chihak, B., Ziemer, C., Kearney, J., Cremer, J., & Plumert, J. (2011). An immersive virtual peer for studying social influences on child cyclists’ road-crossing behavior. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 17, 14-25.

Plumert, J. M., Cremer, J., Kearney, K., Recker, K., & Strutt, J. (2011). Changes in children's perception-action tuning over short time scales: Bicycling across traffic-filled intersections in a virtual environment. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 108, 322-337.


Chihak, B. J., Plumert, J. M., Ziemer, C. J., Babu, S., Grechkin, T., Cremer, J. F., & Kearney, J. K. (2010). Synchronizing self and object movement: How child and adult cyclists intercept moving gaps in a virtual environment. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Performance, 36, 1535-1552.

Grechkin, T. Y., Nguyen, T. D., Plumert, J. M., Cremer, J. F., & Kearney, J. K. (2010). How does presentation method and measurement protocol affect distance estimation in real and virtual environments? ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, 7(4), Article 26.


Ziemer, C., Plumert, J. M., Cremer, J., & Kearney, K. (2009). Estimating distance in real and virtual environments: Does order make a difference? Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 71, 1095-1106.

Oakes, L. M., Newcombe, N. S., & Plumert, J. M. (2009). Are dynamic systems and connectionist approaches an alternative to “Good Old Fashioned Cognitive Development?” In J. P. Spencer, M. Thomas, & J. McClelland (Eds.), Toward a unified theory of development: Connectionism and dynamic systems theory re-considered. New York: Oxford University Press.


Recker, K. M., & Plumert, J. M. (2008). How do opportunities to view objects together in time influence children’s memory for location? Journal of Cognition and Development, 9, 434- 460.

Plumert, J. M. (2008). Children’s thinking is not just about what’s in the head: Understanding the organism and environment as a unified system. In R. V. Kail (Ed.), Advances in Child Development and Behavior, pp. 373- 417. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.


Plumert, J. M., & Spencer, J. (Eds.) (2007). The emerging spatial mind. New York: Oxford University Press.

Plumert, J. M., Hund, A. M., & Recker, K. M. (2007). Organism-environment interaction in spatial development: Explaining categorical bias in memory for location. In J. M. Plumert & J. Spencer (Eds.), The emerging spatial mind. New York: Oxford University Press.

Spencer, J. P., & Plumert, J. M. (2007). What makes thinking about development so hard? In J. M. Plumert & J. Spencer (Eds.), The emerging spatial mind. New York: Oxford University Press.

Plumert, J. M., & Nichols-Whitehead, P. (2007). Developmental differences in preferences for using color, size, and location information to disambiguate hiding places. Journal of Cognition and Development, 8, 427-454.,

Recker, K. M., Plumert, J. M., Hund, A. M., & Reimer, R. (2007). How do biases in spatial memory change as children and adults are learning locations? Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 98, 217-232.

Plumert, J. M., Kearney, J. K., & Cremer, J. F. (2007). Children’s road crossing: A window into perceptual-motor development. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 16, 255-258.

Hund, A. M., & Plumert, J. M. (2007). What counts as “by?” Young children’s use of relative distance to judge nearbyness. Developmental Psychology, 43, 121-133.


Plumert, J. M., Kearney, J. K., Cremer, J. F., & Recker, K. (2005). Distance perception in real and virtual environments. ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, 2, 216-233.

Hund, A. M., & Plumert, J. M. (2005). The stability and flexibility of spatial categories. Cognitive Psychology, 50, 1-44.


Plumert, J. M., Kearney, J. K., & Cremer, J. F. (2004). Children’s perception of gap affordances: Bicycling across traffic-filled intersections in an immersive virtual environment. Child Development, 75, 1243-1253.

Kannass, K. N., Plumert, J. M., McDermott, J., Moore, B., & Durich, N. (2004). The role of the physical context in supporting young children’s use of spatiotemporal organization in recall. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 22, 59-82.

Plumert, J. M. (2004). Accidents. In A. J. Christensen, R. Martin, & J. M. Smyth (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Health Psychology. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.


Hund, A. M., & Plumert, J. M. (2003). Does information about what objects are influence children’s memory for where objects are? Developmental Psychology, 39, 939-948.

Schwebel, D. C., Binder, S. C., Sales, J. M., & Plumert, J. M. (2003). Is there a link between children’s motor abilities and unintentional injuries? Journal of Safety Research, 34, 135-141.

Plumert, J. M. (2003). Children's overestimation of their physical abilities: Links to injury proneness. In G. Savelsbergh, K. Davids, J. van der Kamp, & S. Bennett (Eds.), Development of movement coordination in children: Applications in the field of ergonomics, health sciences and sport. New York: Routledge.


Oakes, L. M., & Plumert, J. M. (2002). Variability in thirteen-month-old infants’ touching patterns in the sequential-touching task. Infant Behavior and Development, 25, 529-549.

Schwebel, D. C., Dawes, B. A., & Plumert, J. M. (2002). Using an injury diary to describe the ecology of children's daily injuries. Journal of Safety Research, 33, 301-319.

Hund, A. M., Plumert, J. M., & Benney, C. (2002). Experiencing nearby locations together in time: The role of spatial-temporal contiguity in children’s memory for location. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 82, 200-225.

Hund, A. M., & Plumert, J. M. (2002). Delay-induced bias in children's memory for location. Child Development, 73, 829-840.


Nichols-Whitehead, P., & Plumert, J. M. (2001). The influence of boundaries on young children's searching and gathering. Journal of Cognition and Development, 2, 367-388.

Plumert, J. M., Spalding, T. L., & Nichols-Whitehead, P. (2001). Preferences for ascending and descending hierarchical organization in spatial communication. Memory & Cognition, 29, 274-284.

Plumert, J. M., & Hund, A. M. (2001). The development of memory for location: What role do spatial prototypes play? Child Development, 72, 370-384.

Plumert, J. M., & Hawkins, A. M. (2001). Biases in young children’s communication about spatial relations: Containment versus proximity. Child Development, 72, 22-36.


Schwebel, D. C., Plumert, J. M., & Pick, H. L. (2000). Integrating basic and applied developmental research: A new model for the twenty-first century. Child Development, 71, 222- 230.


Schwebel, D. C., & Plumert, J. M. (1999). Longitudinal and concurrent relations between temperament, ability estimation, and accident proneness. Child Development, 70, 700-712.


Plumert, J. M., & Schwebel, D. C. (1997). Social and temperamental influences on children’s overestimation of their physical abilities: Links to accident proneness. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 67, 317-337.

Plumert, J. M., & Strahan, D. (1997). Relations between task structure and developmental changes in children’s use of spatial clustering strategies. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 15, 495-514.


Oakes, L. M., Plumert, J. M., Lansink, J. M., & Merryman, J. D. (1996). Evidence for task dependent categorization in infancy. Infant Behavior and Development, 19, 425-440.

Plumert, J. M. (1996). Young children’s ability to detect ambiguity in descriptions of location. Cognitive Development, 11, 375-396.

Plumert, J. M., & Nichols-Whitehead, P. (1996). Parental scaffolding of young children’s spatial communication. Developmental Psychology, 32, 523-532.


Plumert, J. M. (1995). Relations between children’s overestimation of their physical abilities and accident proneness. Developmental Psychology, 31, 866-876.

Plumert, J. M., Carswell, C., DeVet, K., & Ihrig, D. (1995). The content and organization of communication about object locations. Journal of Memory and Language, 34, 477-498.

Plumert, J. M., Ewert, K., & Spear, S. J. (1995). The early development of children's communication about nested spatial relations. Child Development, 66, 959-969.


Plumert, J. M. (1994). Flexibility in children’s use of spatial and categorical organizational strategies in recall. Developmental Psychology, 30, 738-747.

Plumert, J. M., Pick, H. L., Jr., Marks, R. A., Kintsch, A. S., & Wegesin, D. (1994). Locating objects and communicating about locations: Organizational differences in children’s searching and direction-giving. Developmental Psychology, 30, 443-453.


Plumert, J. M. (1993). The development of children’s spatial knowledge: Implications for geographic education. Cartographic Perspectives, 16, 9-18.


Craton, L. G., Elicker, J., Plumert, J. M., & Pick, H. L., Jr. (1990). Children’s use of frames of reference in communication of spatial location. Child Development, 61, 1528-1543.


Sancilio, M. F. M., Plumert, J. M., & Hartup, W. W. (1989). Friendship and aggressiveness as determinants of conflict outcomes in middle childhood. Developmental Psychology, 25, 812-819.